An adrenaline-filled manga set in a high school for delinquents who are now heroes protecting their town. A fierce, new student arrives at the school determined to fight his way to the top and become...
Sakura gradually accepts the comradery of his fellow Bofurin delinquents. A routine street patrol leads to a confrontation with rival gang Shishitoren who operate on brute strength. Bofurin wins the smackdown, and Sakura catches everyone’s...
Who Needs Friends Anyway?Haruka Sakura never had a close friend, let alone several. As he grapples with his fear of rejection, he turns to Kaji, the class leader of the second years, for some much-needed...
Haruka Sakura wants nothing to do with weaklings—he's only interested in the strongest of the strong. He’s just started at Furin High School, a school of degenerates known only for their brawling strength—strength they use...
Stand up and be heard, lead by example.The highly anticipated matchup between the heads of Bofurin and Shishitoren heats up. Watching his leader, Umemiya, Sakura is humbled and gets an important message: Being at the...
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